Amazing Features of Angular 14

ITCube Solution
3 min readMay 2, 2023


Angular, synonymously called AngularJS by many, is one of the most versatile frameworks available in the market, owing to its amazing features. It is a typescript-based web app framework created by Google in the year 2009, and released in 2010. Since then, several versions of Angular have been released, Angular 14, being the most widely used version of this framework. Released on 2 June 2022, this version includes numerous enhancements and security improvements that were directly provided by the community members. These updated features have made Angular web development much easier for developers while enabling the creation of much more efficient and intuitive web applications.

Now, let’s look at the crucial features that the 14th version of Angular offers.

Remarkable Features of Angular 14

1. Simplified Standalone Elements

The inclusion of standalone components in Angular 14 significantly simplifies the development process of Angular applications compared to its previous versions.

With standalone components, the need to use NgModules is eliminated. This offers a new way of writing components for the developer preview. Currently, this feature is only available in the developer preview, and it might undergo further changes until it becomes stable completely. This change will have a significant impact on the way Angular Apps are developed in the future.

2. Typed Angular Forms

Angular offers two methods for handling forms- the template-driven approach and the reactive approach. The Typed Forms introduced in Angular 14 apply exclusively to reactive forms and ensure that the values contained in form controls, arrays, and sets are type-safe. This enhances the overall ‘type’ safety of Angular applications.

With the new schematics, Angular developers can gradually migrate to typed forms and progressively add type to their existing forms. This allows for a more flexible and efficient transition to typed forms.

3. Streamlined Page Title Accessibility

When developing applications, it’s important to have a page title that accurately reflects the content of the page. The previous release of Angular 13 introduced the Route.title attribute in the Angular Router, which made it more efficient to add a title. In Angular 14, no additional imports are required to add a title to your page.

4. Enhancements in Angular CLI

The latest version of Angular, Angular 14, boasts an impressive autocomplete feature that helps to minimize typos and command-line errors while coding. This feature, called “real-time type-ahead autocompletion,” is included in the ng completion functionality of Angular 14.

Aside from autocomplete, Angular 14 offers other noteworthy enhancements such as more comprehensive analytics data through ng analytics and better control of cache information via ng cache.

5. New primitives in the Angular CDK

The Angular Component Dev Kit (CDK) is a comprehensive toolkit designed for the creation of Angular components. In Angular version 14, the CDK’s Menu and Dialog components have been upgraded to a stable version.

6. Extended Developer Diagnostics

Angular version 14 offers a flexible framework that provides intelligent insights into your templates and offers suggestions as well for potential modifications. It can be a valuable tool for improving the Angular development process.

7. Optional Injectors

In Angular 14, it is now possible to specify an optional injector when constructing an embedded view. This is possible through TemplateRef.createEmbeddedView and ViewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView.

Final Takeaway

These were the top few features of Angular version 14. We hope this was an insightful read!

If you want to shift to Angular 14 and leverage its features for your business applications, please get in touch with our expert Angular developers. As a renowned provider of Angular and AngularJS development services in the USA, we, at ITCube have proven experience of over 2 decades in developing dynamic software applications. Reach out to us at or by mail at



ITCube Solution

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