How To Understand & Analyse Data Better?


We’ve all been there — You need to create a report on how that new project is going so far. So you sit down at your desk with a steaming cup o’ coffee, ask the project team to send you the initial progress and when you open that email, it’s a MASSIVE spreadsheet of whatsits and doodads. So many numbers that even YOU don’t know if the project will put your company in the Fortune 500s or roll out a nice red carpet to the bankruptcy court.

The problem is — The varied volumes & versions of data that we, as business managers, operational analysts and senior executives, deal with every day come from a wide range of platforms. Some of these platforms are structured, some are unstructured, and some are flat files. What this means is some of your most crucial data could be stuck on a platform that’s been sitting in the dark while you make business decisions based on insufficient information. Not getting the full picture = Not making informed decisions = Your business not doing its best for your clients.

Here’s how we help you using Microsoft’s Power BI.

1. We create CUSTOMISED POWER BI PLATFORM for your organisation.

2. Once you open the platform, you’ll see different CONTENT PACKS. Content packs = Folders maintaining reports from service providers that YOU use (including Dynamics, Azure, Salesforce, Google Analytics, MailChimp, Adobe Analytics & many more).

3. Inside each content pack, you’ll see LIVE DASHBOARDS that show you a 360° view of your activities. These include your current project status, customer orders for a particular product or campaign progress.

4. It’s easy as pie to monitor this data in real-time & set up notifications in case data changes. You can do this across devices. Use Power BI on your laptop, check for alerts on your phone, or play with the reporting features on your iPad; sky is your limit!

5. Want to dig deeper? We recommend it! Explore & identify opportunities or threats using drill-down filters in each dashboard.

To know why power BI, click @

So why go with ITCube, you ask? Not that we’re bragging, but we have worked with clients across 7 industries including HEALTHCARE, SUPPLY CHAIN, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATIONS, LEGAL, SPORTS & HR. This has taught us to anticipate where you will need data analysis, use your existing data & transform it for each different user. Whether you want the functional details, analytical reports or strategic progress, we can get it done for you!

And even if you don’t want to spend money on us yet, get in touch with us for tips on how you can understand data better yourselves; without worrying about $$$!



1Point1 Solutions (Formerly ITCube)
1Point1 Solutions (Formerly ITCube)

Written by 1Point1 Solutions (Formerly ITCube)

1Point1 Solutions (Formerly ITCube) is a global Technology service, consulting, and software development company with offices, customers and partners worldwide.

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